Research Excellence

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) across the island of Ireland have united to connect and support Research Managers and Administrators through AIREN.

About us

All-Island Research Excellence Network

The All-Island Research Excellence Network (AIREN), led by University College Dublin (UCD), Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and Ulster University (Ulster), is a network dedicated to supporting research managers and administrators (RMAs) across the island of Ireland (IOI).

The initiative commenced in January 2021  and was funded through the InterTradeIreland (ITI) Synergy Programme from January 2021-March 2023.

AIREN has received additional funding starting December 2023 from the Higher Education Authority (HEA) to grow and expand the membership and activities of the network.

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Inaugural AIREN Conference

The inaugural AIREN Conference ‘Research For the Future’ took place in-person on 8th September 2022 at the Titanic Hotel Belfast. 

The Conference  brought key stakeholders together to discuss all-island collaborative research and how to further develop and enhance the AIREN all-island network of research support staff. The diverse range of sessions also addressed research culture and shared career development inspirations for research support professionals.   The conference opened with welcome addresses from Minister Gordon Lyons, MLA, Department of the Economy,  Northern Ireland, and Minster Simon Harris, TD, Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) Ireland, and the day was moderated by journalist, presenter and event host Sarah Travers. The conference included two excellent keynote addresses by Dr Deirdre Lillis, (DFHERIS) and Dr Simon Kerridge (University of Kent), international panel discussions and interaction sessions.  There were 157 registered delegates with attendance from research professional staff from academic and research organisations on the island, as well as representatives from Government departments, the Higher Education Authority, InterTradeIreland, and funding bodies. The conference  provided opportunities for delegates to meet and network with each other, and to link with colleagues working across the research ecosystem in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.  The Conference Programme and a report on the Conference are available here.   We thank all who attended and participated at the event for their contributions.


Team Members

Our Management Team members are made up of representatives from UCD, UU and QUB.

Sinead McGinley

AIREN Chair – UCD Research Partner – ‘Creating a Sustainable Global Society’ Theme at University College Dublin

UCD is one of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities; an environment where undergraduate education

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Chris Browne

Head of Research Strategy & Engagement, Queen’s University Belfast

Queen’s University Belfast is the ninth-oldest university in the UK. Founded by Royal Charter as Queen’s College in 1845

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Shauna McKeown

Head of Research
Development, Ulster

Ulster University’s international reputation for research excellence has received worldwide recognition

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