All-Island Research Excellence Network (AIREN)

AIREN has hosted various workshops and events to support research professionals and foster collaboration. 

Research Security Across Borders (June 26, 2024)
This event examined how the rapidly evolving research security landscape in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the wider UK is impacting the work of RMAs. The UK’s Trusted Research agenda and Export Controls requirements in both jurisdictions were discussed.

What does the changing research and innovation landscape in Ireland, Northern Ireland and the wider UK mean for research managers and administrators? (December 6, 2023)
This event considered the implications of new developments in the Irish and UK research ecosystem for all-island collaborations and partnership building. The new Irish research and innovation funding agency ‘Taighde Éireann-Research Ireland’, the new Talent and Innovation Strategy for Ireland ‘Global Citizens 2023’, the PEACEPLUS Programme 2021-2027, and the UK’s Horizon Europe status were discussed. 

Future View of the Research Ecosystem & the Changes it Signals for Research Support Career Pathways (June 7, 2023)
Held in Newry, this in-person event explored the evolving role of research support professionals. Interactive sessions and discussions focused on career development and support needs within AIREN.

Confidence & Resilience Workshop for Personal & Professional Growth (February 15, 2023):
This virtual workshop, designed and facilitated by Sarah Travers of Bespoke Communications, addressed challenges such as impostor syndrome and provided strategies to build confidence and resilience among research support staff. A short report on the event is available here.

The inaugural AIREN Conference ‘Research For the Future’ (September 8, 2022):
Hosted at the Titanic Hotel Belfast, the conference featured keynote addresses, panel discussions, and networking opportunities for 157 delegates from various research and government organisations. The conference was opened with welcome addresses from Minister Gordon Lyons, MLA, Department of the Economy, Northern Ireland, and Minister Simon Harris, TD, Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS), Ireland. The Conference Programme, and a report on and the recording of the Conference are available here.

Supporting Postdoctoral and PhD Researcher (March 9, 2022):
This event focused on developing a supportive research culture for early-career researchers and discussed the role of research managers in this process.  A short report on the event is available here.

Research Impact (January 26, 2022):
This event focused on what is meant by ‘research impact’ and the growing drive and importance of delivering and communicating research with impact. Discussions covered the definition and importance of research impact, with advice on planning, capturing, and communicating research impact effectively. A short report on the event is available here.

North / South Workshop on Industry Academia Research Collaboration (December 8, 2021):
This event presented and shared perspectives from different stakeholders on optimising industry-academia research collaborations. A short report on the event is available here.

Developing Global Partnerships & Networks for Research Collaborations (October 10, 2021):
The event highlighted the benefits and strategies for forming global research partnerships. A short report on the event is available here.

Governance & Management of Large Scale Research Programmes / Centres (September 8, 2021):
In this event an overview of governance structures for large research centres and programmes was presented. A short report on the event is available here.

North / South Research Collaboration Opportunities (June 30, 2021):
The event provided insights into strategies supporting cross-border research collaboration, in particular the new €40m investment fund from the Shared Island Fund. A short report on the event is available here .

Organisational Structures for Research Management & Development (May 12, 2021):
The first AIREN event focused on cross-border collaboration and the importance of networking and mentoring for career development.